Cloud ERP Technology Voucher (TVP) Helps Businesses Overcome Challenges
Influenced by the global economy, industries are exploring how to leverage technology and automation to break through geographical and foot traffic limitations, with accelerating cash flow becoming a primary concern for employers and IT managers. The ERP technology voucher allows you to use the NetSuite Cloud ERP system to achieve business operational profitability and cost transparency, making sales and shipping operations smoother, thereby accelerating cash flow.
Taking the example of the retail industry in Hong Kong, expanding new revenue streams through mobile ordering:
- NetSuite integrates the inventory of all stores and online shops, allowing customers to place and pay for orders directly on WhatsApp. The company can generate real-time orders and same-day shipments, filling the gap left by lost in-store business and implementing 24/7 order processing and fulfillment.
- Automating the connection of your inventory to various online sales platforms like Amazon helps to directly tap into cross-regional markets.
- The retail sales and inventory systems in ERP reduce the risk of errors in manual operations by employees.
For inquiries about how businesses in various industries have successfully utilized TVP for upgrading and implementing technological solutions to enhance efficiency and business processes, please consult with our ERP consultants.
The cumulative funding limit for each company or organisation has been increased to HKD 600,000. The TVP technology voucher program aims to support local non-listed companies and institutions in using technology services and solutions to increase productivity or upgrade business processes.
Here are some program features:
- Funding Matching Model: The program provides funding in a 3 (government): 1 (company/institution) matching model.
- Funding Limit: The cumulative funding limit for each company or institution is HKD 600,000.
- Funding Ratio: Funding amounts are provided is that the government provides up to three-quarters of the funding provided by the company or institution.
Oracle NetSuite Cloud ERP solution is a cloud-based Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system designed for the operations of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). It features AI-driven business functionalities and is tailored to meet the diverse needs of different industries, including financial insights and analysis through Oracle Financials Cloud, cash flow management, all-in-one WhatsApp e-commerce operations, production management, inventory management, and more. The modular nature of the NetSuite Cloud ERP system allows customization to suit the specific needs of different businesses, regardless of their industry or business nature. ONE Pacific is an award-winning official certified solution provider for NetSuite.
If you have any further questions or need more information about the TVP Technology Voucher Program or the NetSuite Cloud ERP solution, you can click the link to contact our professional consultants at ONE Pacific.
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#OracleNetSuite #cloud #erp system #SMEs #supportSMEs #financialautomation #WhatsAppCommerce #WhatsAppShop #mobileshop #workefficiency #increaseproductivity #improvebusinessoperations #technologyvoucher #TVP #funding #subsidy #technology #e-commerce #inventorymanagement #accountingsystem #crossborderbusiness #exportcompanies #trade #financialautomation
*Learn more about the TVP on the Innovation and Technology Commission website.